Take our easy member survey
Have your doctors given you great care, made something easier for you or gave you helpful information? Has Priority Partners provided the resources and support needed to manage your well-being and your budget? Our member experience survey is your chance to let us know!
Why this survey matters
Every year, a random sample of Priority Partners members receives a survey. The 20-minute survey includes questions about your recent experiences with your plan and providers and can be completed by phone, by mail or online. Priority Partners works with SPH Analytics to administer this survey.
If you have already received this survey and completed it, we thank you for your feedback. If you have not, you may receive this survey soon. Please complete this survey to help us to understand your experience with Priority Partners.
We know that when it comes to health care, the only experience that matters is yours, and that’s why your voice is so important. Your feedback could help improve the care experience for all Priority Partners members.