Find Care
How to use our search tool to find a doctor

Looking for a doctor? Follow the steps below to find a doctor for the care you need. You can search for a primary care provider (PCP), specialists, or hospitals and other health care centers.
Step 1
On our Find Care Now page, under “Find a Doctor or Facility,” choose what you would like to search for a doctor, an urgent care center, or a hospital.
Step 2
Click the button for the type of doctor or health care center you want. The search tool will open up in a new browser window.
Step 3
Below are instructions for using the search tool depending on if you are searching for a hospital, urgent care center, or doctor.
- The list shows all hospitals in Maryland, sorted by name, starting with A.
- If you know the name of the hospital you want, type it into the “Refine results” box and click on “Search.”
- If you want to see hospitals close to you, enter your address or ZIP code in the “My Address” option on the right and click on “Search.”
- The list shows all urgent care centers in Maryland, sorted by name, starting with A.
- If you know the name of the center you want, type it into the “Refine results” box and click on “Search.”
- If you want to find urgent care close to you, enter your address or ZIP code in the “My Address” option on the right and click on “Search.”
- If you know the name of the doctor, type their name into the “Already have a doctor/facility in mind?” box. As you type, possible matches will appear under the box. If you see the doctor you are looking for, you can click on their name. To see the full list of matches, click the “Search” button.
- If you do not have a doctor in mind, you can search based on location and service type.
- In the “Location” section, type in your home ZIP code (or the ZIP code where you want to get care).
- Use the “Distance” drop-down selection to choose how far you want to travel to see your doctor.
- To see all doctors in your state, choose the state you want to search.
- In the “Service Type” section, click the boxes to select the type of service you want. You may select more than one service type. For a Primary Care Provider (PCP), choose “Primary Care.”
- Click the “Search” button.
- If you search by ZIP code, the doctors closest to you are on top. If you search the entire state, your results are sorted by name, starting with A. You can choose other ways to sort the names from the “Sort by” dropdown.
- If you want to improve your search, type in the provider’s name, ID or specialty in the “Refine Results” box. You can also use the drop-down selection bars on the right to narrow your search results to search providers by specialty, hospital affiliation, medical group, language spoken or gender.
- To make sure that the doctor is accepting new patients, check off the “Accepting New Patients” box on the right. Then click “Search” to refresh the list with only those doctors.
- You can also do a location search based on your full address to know exactly how far a doctor is from your home or work. Type your address in the “My Address” section at the bottom of the right-hand menu. Then click “Search” to refresh the list.
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