Sex: Male
Blood Pressure Screening
What is this screening? A measurement of how hard your heart is working to pump your blood, taken using a…
Blood Lead Test
What is this test? A blood sample is taken to measure the amount of lead in your child’s blood. It…
Colorectal Cancer Screening
What is this screening? There are a few types of screenings. A fecal occult blood test checks your stool for…
Dental Checkup
What is this visit? A dental checkup is good for cleaning your teeth and gums and checking the health of…
Diabetes: Eye exam
What is this visit? A dilated eye exam that checks the health of your eyes and vision. Who needs this…
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c test
What is this test? A1C is a blood test taken by a finger prick that measures your blood sugar levels…
Diabetes: Kidney disease screening
What is this test? A urine test to check for small levels of a blood protein. Who needs this test?…
Eye Exam (Adult)
What is this visit? An eye exam checks your vision and the health of each of your eyes. Your eye…
Eye Exam (Child)
What is this visit? An eye exam checks your vision and the health of each of your eyes. Your eye…
HPV Vaccine
What is this vaccine? A vaccine that protects you from the human papillomavirus. This virus is linked to cervical and…